All Photos | Tüm Fotoğraflar


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Power of Man and Time | İnsanın ve Zamanın GücüOrtalaPower of Man and Time | İnsanın ve Zamanın Gücü

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Cotton Sugar | Pamuk ŞekerCotton Sugar | Pamuk Şeker

Picture of Happiness | Mutluluğun ResmiPicture of Happiness|Mutluluğun Resmi

Meet | KarşılaşmaMeet | Karşılaşma

Feeling Cold | ÜşümeFeeling Cold | Üşüme

Opening | AralıkOpening | Aralık

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Mothers Day | Dünya Anneler Günü 2010Mothers Day | Dünya Anneler Günü 2010

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3 Old Windows | 3 Eski Pencere3 Old Windows | 3 Eski Pencere

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Photographer's Kite-Foto%C4%9Fraf%C3%A7%C4%B1 U%C3%A7urtmas%C4%B1Photographer's Kite | Fotoğrafçı Uçurtması

InternationalWomen%27sDay-D%C3%BCnya+Kad%C4%B1nlarG%C3%BCn%C3%BCInternational Women's Day | Dünya Kadınlar Günü

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Open Session - A%C3%A7%C4%B1k OturumOpen Session | Açık Oturum

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Snow White - Kar Beyaz%C4%B1Snow White | Kar Beyazı

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1 yorum:

Miguel said...

Regarding your photo, above, entitled "Dialectic of Nature" --

I have become aware of a recent fundamental breakthrough, a breakthrough in Marxian dialectics, and in the formulation of a comprehensive and singular Dialectic of Nature, that may be of interest to you.

Through the discovery of a new algebra, a 'contra-Boolean' algebra of dialectical logic, the Foundation Encyclopedia Dialectica research collective has been able to formulate a single dialectical equation which models, categorially, the epochal evolutions, and revolutions, of our cosmos, starting from the pre-nuclear "particles" [the bosons, quarks, and leptons].

This dialectical equation-model would be a "Dialectical Theory of Everything" except that, in its present form, as published to-date, it does not yet encompass the actualities that are presently referenced by the "titles of ignorance" of "Dark Energy" and "Dark Matter".

Apart from that exception, this single dialectical equation models the "Historical Dialectic of Natural History as the Totality" as a vast cosmological movement, generated by a recurrent, self-iterating "aufheben process".

The general documentation of this breakthrough is available at the website.

There is now a step-by-step introduction to this 'Dialectic of Nature as a Whole" model, and to the many dialectical models for various "sub-universes" of our Universe as a whole, including for the Marxian social forces of production and social relations of production, and a step-by-step introduction to the 'contra-Boolean algebra of dialectical logic' that makes the formulation of all of these dialectical equation-models possible:,The%20%27A-Brief-iated%27,%20Redacted%20Intellectual%20Autobiography%20of%20Karl%20Seldon,07MAR2014.pdf



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